The G21 Geelong Region Plan is a strategic framework and agreed vision for the G21 region, looking toward 2050.
The plan identifies and addresses the challenges the region will face in areas such as environment, settlement, land use, community cohesion and the economy.
The plan was developed during 2006-07 and represents the work and opinions of hundreds of people and organisations including the five G21 municipalities, the state government, peak bodies and environmental, community and business organisations from across the region.
It is a collaborative approach to longer-term regional challenges, developed by the people of our region. The research supporting the strategy is robust. It includes information from regional, state-wide and national organisations, as well as specifically-commissioned research, analysis and extensive consultation.
When developed, the plan was unique in Australia. It created new opportunities for delivering priority projects to ensure the future productivity, livability and sustainability of our region. The 10 most important projects for achieving the objectives of the G21 Geelong Region Plan are presented in the document. They were selected according to their economic, environmental and social importance, as well as their likelihood of implementation.
Companion documents include the G21 Regional Growth Plan, released by the Victorian Planning Minister in April 2013, and the G21 Economic Development Strategy, which was adopted by G21’s five member councils and the G21 Board in 2014.
You may also find the G21 Region Profile (a data-rich resource compiled in 2019 about the G21 region) a useful reference to be read in conjunction with the G21 Geelong Region Plan.