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Annual General Meeting: a year to remember

Over 80 members and stakeholders attended G21’s Annual General Meeting via Zoom on Thursday, November 11. CEO Giulia Baggio reflected on her first year in the role, noting that when she started in February, people were looking forward to 2021, believing the covid pandemic to be over and that our world would regain some sense […]

G21 outlines region’s priorities for Canberra

With a federal election looming, the G21 board of directors held a series of zoom meetings with senior government ministers and shadow ministers, advocating for current and future regional needs. High on the agenda was GeelongPort and the essential infrastructure required to support the Spirit of Tasmania’s relocation to Geelong. Meetings canvassed regional roads, rail […]

Armstrong Creek Library design revealed

The City of Greater Geelong has unveiled its plans to build an $18.5 million, three-storey library and community centre in the Armstrong Creek growth area. The community building will be situated just off the Surf Coast Hwy and is the first piece of major social infrastructure for the town centre, which is expected to service […]

Powering Community Buildings With The Sun

Community buildings in Meredith, Scarsdale, Inverleigh, Haddon, Teesdale and Bannockburn are now solar powered thanks to funding from the Berrybank Wind Farm. As part of the wind farm’s community engagement and benefit sharing plan, solar panels have been installed on seven Golden Plains Shire buildings, including the Inverleigh Early Learning Centre and the Bannockburn Family […]

Great Ocean Road Protected By Landmark Reforms

The Victorian Government has delivered once in a generation reforms which will better protect the iconic parks and coast along the Great Ocean Road, improve the tourism experience for visitors and support local jobs. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio announced the Great Ocean Road and Environs Protection Bill 2021 passed in […]

Cultural Facility and Library project surging ahead

The Surf Coast Shire will build its Cultural Facility and Library project in stages and will seek $9 million  in funding to deliver stage one. The four-in-one facility will include a new library, Australian National Surfing Museum, visitor Information and arts facility and will support a vibrant local arts community, which will increase visitation and […]

Sustainable housing providing hope for homelessness

Men experiencing homelessness across Geelong will now have access to more emergency housing options. Samaritan House has unveiled seven new environmentally sustainable, independent living units, with the help of a $500,000 grant from the Victorian government. Samaritan House helps men sleeping rough in the Greater Geelong region by providing accommodation, an evening meal and ongoing […]

Delivering the new Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail

The exciting new Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail is a step closer, with community consultation underway on a masterplan to finalise the trail’s route. The trail will cover about 90 kilometres of Great Ocean Road landscape from Fairhaven to Skenes Creek. The Victorian government has provided $24 million to plan and deliver the trail, with […]

Barwon Heads Road Upgrade Gets Underway

Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians in Geelong are a step closer to safer, more reliable journeys with contracts awarded to deliver the much-needed Barwon Heads Road Upgrade. The project will be delivered through a trio of construction partners, creating around 500 local jobs and about 1,400 indirect jobs – crucial to the region’s economic recovery, post-COVID-19. […]