The Victorian Government is upgrading 16 train stations across the state, including two in the G21 region, supporting hundreds of local jobs through the coronavirus pandemic and improving the public transport network for everyone that relies on it.

Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll today (28 July, 2020) outlined key details of the $24 million in upgrades, which are a key part of the Government’s $328.4 million investment in public transport and roads maintenance through its $2.7 billion Building Works program.

The upgrades will create and support more than 600 local jobs, helping Victorian families and businesses across the state.

Eleven metropolitan stations and five regional stations, including North Shore and Lara, will be upgraded.

The upgrades include new passenger information screens, public address equipment and disability shelters, as well as extra car parks, toilet facilities and bike parking racks.

They will make the stations and public transport network safer and more accessible, and respond to feedback from passengers about how stations can be improved.

The improvements will also boost economic activity to suburbs and regional towns to support local recovery efforts and keep Victoria moving as the state recovers from the coronavirus pandemic.

For more information about the program and the improvements it will deliver, visit

Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll says, “We’re hitting the ground running with these projects – creating hundreds of new jobs in the coming months to support local communities across Victoria that need it most. Every dollar spent as part of this extra investment will support jobs and families, and improve our public transport network for everyone who relies on it.”

Source: State government media release

New vision for Australian National Surfing Museum

A new master plan for Torquay’s Australian National Surfing Museum projects a 30 year vision and showcases its internationally significant collection as part of a new Surf Coast Cultural Centre.

Surf Coast Shire Council recently endorsed the vision which would place the Museum in a new, larger space in the proposed Surf Coast Cultural Centre, enabling better displays of permanent and temporary exhibitions and focusing on new, accessible ways to connect.

The museum’s has an unrivalled collection of more than 12,000 items and houses the Australian Surfing Hall of Fame. It tells stories of identity, place and belonging through the lens of Australian surfing and its culture. Independent assessment by Circa Museum Services in 2021 identified its collection as being of both national and international significance.

Stage one plans for the centre include redevelopment and expansion of the Museum, joining Torquay Library and Torquay Visitor Information Centre in a new building incorporating the existing redeveloped Multi Arts Centre and headquarters for Surfing Victoria.

This is G21 priority under the Creative Industries and Cultural Economy project.

Water for our Future Strategy released

The 50-year Urban Water Strategy: Water for our Future (2022) has been approved by the Victorian Minister for Water Harriet Shing.

The strategy sets out Barwon Water’s plan to meet demand for the next 50 years and comprises 25 actions over the next five years to save water, source new water, reuse water and return water to the environment.

More than 600 ideas were shared during Water for our Future’s two-year engagement program involving more than 5,000 community members. The strategy seeks to efficiently manage water supplies in the face of a changing climate and regional growth.

Key highlights include expanding the reach of the Melbourne-Geelong Pipeline (MGP) to service more customers in our region as well as returning water to the Moorabool River for the environment and Traditional Owner cultural values.

Implementation of the Urban Water Strategy: Water for our Future (2022) is a G21 Priority Project.

Deakin e-bikes trial to boost transport options

A year-long e-bike trial is being rolled out across Geelong to create a fun and easy sustainable travel option for students, residents and visitors across the city.

The Deakin University trial will see 200 distinctive green e-bikes available in multiple locations, including the Waterfront and Waurn Ponds campuses, with rental and access managed via the Lime app.

E-bikes will also be parked at locations such as Belmont’s Barwon Valley Activity Centre and certain bike hoops around Geelong. All parking locations are viewable through the app. The number of locations is expected to increase over time and include further park and ride locations, transit hubs, community facilities and local shopping centres.

The trial presents a unique opportunity to understand how the Geelong community moves around the city and measure their willingness to try new transport options to reduce reliance on private cars for short journeys.

This is important as we respond to the region’s unprecedented population growth and develop new ways to create a more liveable region.

Deakin will analyse the trial’s travel data to inform future use of e-bikes.

G21’s Creative Industries Strategy funded

The Victorian Government has invested $460,000 to implement the Making Change: A Creative Industries Strategy for the G21 Region.

Launched in 2021 and developed by a consortium of the region’s leading creative, cultural and advocacy organisations, the strategy aims to strengthen and grow local creative industries and jobs – focusing on skills development, community engagement, cultural tourism and digital access.

This funding will support our creatives to design, sculpt, write, paint and stage new works across the region in a sector that’s going from strength to strength.

It will deliver the first stage of the strategy, including a First Nations engagement plan, professional development and networking opportunities for local creatives, and a digital directory of the region’s creative hubs.

It was wonderful to host Minister for Tourism and Creative Industries Steve Dimopoulos as well as our local champion Christine Couzens MP at the redeveloped Geelong Arts Centre to celebrate the announcement.

Congratulations to project partners Joel McGuinness Jennifer Cromarty Vanessa Schernickau Geelong Gallery Back to Back Theatre Ilana Russell Tim Stitz Tonya Meyrick

Read more here from James Taylor from Times News Group.



First look at new Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail

The Great Ocean Road Coastal Trail is a new world-class eco-tourism experience allowing visitors to explore from Torquay to Skenes Creek uninterrupted.

The Victorian Government has invested $25.5 million to plan and construct the trail between Fairhaven and Grey River, with the Federal Government contributing $350,000 for planning through the Geelong City Deal.

The 90-kilometre walking trail will traverse Gadubanud Country along the Otway coast, offering new breathtaking views from suspension bridges, some spanning over 160 metres, as well as camp sites, lookouts, boardwalks, river crossings, carparks and day visitor areas.

Once built, the 90km trail will provide options for a full seven-day, six-night hike from Fairhaven to Skenes Creek, day walks, half-day walks and shorter loop trails.

Improving infrastructure along the Great Ocean Road, and its hinterland is a priority under G21’s Visitor Economy project.

The trail will be a drawcard for Victoria. It’s anticipated the trail will attract more than 70,000 visitors a year, extend the length of stay for more than 200,000 people visiting the region in its first five years and delivering an extra $38 million in visitor expenditure.

Construction is expected to begin in 2023.

G21 Mayors visit Victorian Parliament

G21’s Mayors and CEO headed to Melbourne this week for a whistlestop tour of the Victorian Parliament where they hosted 15 very positive meetings with Ministers and Shadow Ministers over two days.

The catch up included conversations with Deputy Premier Jacinta Allen, Treasurer Tim Pallas, Minister for Water and Regional Development Harriet Shing, Transport Minister Ben Carroll, Tourism Minister Steve Dimopoulos, local MP and member for Polwarth Richard Riordan, Shadow Minister for Local Government, Housing and Resources Peter Walsh (also Leader of The Nationals) and Bill Tilley, Shadow Minister for Regional Cities.

The region’s lack of affordable housing, key workers, public transport and active travel modes were hot topics with our state colleagues. Our mayors painted a detailed picture of the challenges and potential solutions, noting the Commonwealth Games were looming large as a significant deadline.

Although most state MPs are aware of our rapid population growth, most were surprised to hear that Surf Coast is Victoria’s fastest growing municipality (4.4% pa), that Golden Plains has Victoria’s fastest growing cohort of 5 to 11 year olds and Geelong’s new growth areas will soon be adding the equivalent of a city the size of Ballarat to the region.

The Spring St meetings follow a visit to Parliament House in Canberra where our five G21 council CEOs met with new departmental chiefs to outline the region’s needs and our desire to work closely with the new federal government.

G21 Mayors – Spring St delegation 2022

Day 1

  1. Chief of Staff to Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister for Solar Homes, Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  2. Hon. David Davis, Shadow Treasurer, Shadow Minister for Arts and Creative Industries
  3. Bill Tilley, Shadow Minister for Regional Cities (including Border Communities), Decentralisation, Fishing and Boating
  4. Hon. Harriet Shing, Minister for Water, Regional Development and Equality
  5. Cindy McLeish, Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Shadow Minister for Economic Development, Regional Recovery, Government Services, Sport & Tourism
  6. Dr Matthew Bach, Shadow Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Child Protection and Youth Justice, Youth Affairs
  7. Hon. Ben Carroll, Minister for Industry Support and Recovery, Business Precincts, Public Transport, Roads and Road Safety

Day 2

  1. Tim Pallas, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development, Industrial Relations and Trade
  2. Hon. Steve Dimopoulos, Minister for Tourism, Sport, Major Events and Creative Industries
  3. Richard Riordan, Shadow Minister for Local Government, Housing and Resources
  1. Hon. Peter Walsh, Leader of The Nationals, Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Regional Victoria, Aboriginal Affairs
  2. Hon. Jacinta Allen, Deputy Premier, Transport Infrastructure, Suburban Rail Loop, Commonwealth Games Delivery
  3. Hon. Danny Pearson, Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Regulatory Reform, Government Services and Housing
  4. Hon. Melissa Horne, Minister for Ports and Freight, Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Local Government and Suburban Development
  5. Danny O’Brien, Shadow Minister for Water, Public Transport and Roads

Who went?

Mayor Peter Murrihy of City of Greater Geelong

Mayor Libby Stapleton of Surf Coast Shire,

Mayor Gavin Gamble of Golden Plains Shire,

Mayor Kate Hanson of Colac Otway Shire,

Mayor Ross Ebbels, Borough of Queenscliffe

G21 CEO Giulia Baggio.

GeelongPort Chief Executive Officer Brett Winter, ACCIONA Energia Director of Energy Markets and Policy Melanie Sutton, Barwon Water Managing Director Tracey Slatter and Barwon Health Chief Executive Frances Diver at the Mount Gellibrand Wind Farm.

Barwon Renewable Energy Partnership wind deal

Wind deal pushes Barwon Water, Barwon Health, GeelongPort closer to net zero

Three of G21’s largest organisations are a step closer to using 100 per cent renewable electricity and producing net zero emissions with a new power purchase agreement with the Mount Gellibrand windfarm near Birregurra.

The 10-year deal with the Barwon Renewable Energy Partnership will see electricity produced at the farm sent to the grid, offsetting the energy used by Barwon Water, Barwon Health and GeelongPort.

Barwon Water Managing Director Tracey Slatter said she was thrilled to be working with Barwon Health and GeelongPort to support the region’s transition to renewable energy.

“Barwon Health and GeelongPort play such significant roles in our region and we’re proud to partner with them to enter into a long-term arrangement for the supply of renewable energy from a local provider.

“This project is the final step to meet Barwon Water’s target of using 100 per cent renewable electricity by 2025, and a huge step towards Barwon Water’s target of achieving net zero emissions by 2030. It is really exciting in terms of action on climate change, and I couldn’t be more proud of the work that has been done to get us there.”

Ms Slatter said that previously, more than 80 per cent of Barwon Water’s emissions came from the use of electricity sourced from the grid.

“The turbines at Mount Gellibrand Wind Farm will deliver Barwon Water 45 gigawatt-hours a year of renewable electricity – more than 100% of our total electricity needs in an ‘average year’ (and 75% in a very dry year).

“It will complement our existing on-site/behind-the-meter generation (such as the 3 megawatt Black Rock Solar Farm) and the Zero Emissions Water Power Purchase Agreement with Kiamal Solar Farm.”

Ms Slatter said the project would help contribute to Victoria’s renewable energy and emissions reduction targets and contribute to creating new jobs and further developing the renewable energy sector.

Bannockburn industrial estate expansion on track

The Bannockburn Industrial Estate is set to expand, as work continues on its stormwater infrastructure project.

A new retarding basin and drainage pipe network is under construction on the land currently owned by Josco Pty Ltd to the south of the existing business park.

Once the stormwater infrastructure is constructed, more than 21 hectares of land will be made available for development at the estate on Holder Road, which currently has 35 lots across 12 hectares. Land in the light industrial precinct has previously been in demand, however expansion had not been possible due to the lack of drainage infrastructure to service the adjoining land.

It is hoping the stormwater solution will help spur business growth and encourage private sector investment within the 268.5 hectares of undeveloped land, as identified in the Bannockburn Growth Plan.

Implementation of the Bannockburn Growth Plan is an element of the G21 Regional Growth Areas Priority Project.

Funding for the $3.1 million infrastructure project comes from a $2 million State Government grant and an extra $1.1 million from Josco Pty Ltd.

Deakin secures $50m Trailblazer funding to drive green manufacturing revolution

Deakin University will spearhead the largest recycling and clean energy advanced manufacturing ecosystem in Australia, thanks to $50 million in funding from the Federal Government’s inaugural Trailblazer Universities Program.

Through REACH – its Recycling and Renewable Energy Commercialisation Hub – Deakin will work with governments, industry, and education partners to establish a multi-billion dollar bioeconomy in Victoria, focused on clean energy, recycling and greener supply chains.

The initiative will drive significant innovation and job creation in Geelong and Western Victoria. The research-industry partnership is expected to generate more than $1.4 billion in revenue and 2,500 jobs in the next decade.

Deakin and its partners – which include Federation University, RMIT, Swinburne University, USQ, CSIRO and a number of Victorian TAFE colleges – will invest over $300 million on top of the Commonwealth’s $50 million, and back several projects including:

  • An Australian supply chain for high technology batteries.
  • Development of hydrogen storage and usage.
  • Conversion of organic and inorganic waste into other products, including recycling soft plastic in a closed loop system.

REACH builds on Deakin’s end-to-end manufacturing capabilities in renewable energy and recycling and its thriving ‘Future Economy’ commercialisation ecosystem across its Waurn Ponds, Warrnambool and Burwood campuses.