The need for social housing and wraparound services in G21 municipalities is significant.
There are 883 homeless people in the region and more than 5000 people experiencing severe rental stress. The current housing shortage is likely to see these numbers increase.
Work is underway across the regional LGAs to identify land and establish partnerships to begin building new homes, utilising the Victorian Government’s Big Housing Build program and the Commonwealth’s National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) loans scheme.
G21 requires a commitment from Victorian and Commonwealth governments to provide wraparound services for high need residents in new social housing developments.
G21 is also investigating the role that NHFIC might play in providing innovative financing to increase housing supply.
What G21 needs
- Development of a National Housing Strategy to ensure all people can access affordable housing to meet their needs.
- Mandatory inclusionary zoning requirements in the planning system.
- A review of surplus Commonwealth and Victorian land holdings with a view to releasing at least 30% of lots identified for social housing, transferred to a Registered Housing Agency at cost.
- NHFIC support for major new residential zones, with a commitment to social housing inclusion.
- All Commonwealth and Victorian government land be considered for social housing before sale.
- Wraparound services to be funded to support residents in existing and new social housing dwellings.
A commitment to embed GROW training, employment and procurement principles in all government projects within the region.
Click here for an update on G21’s social housing project.